Wednesday, February 2, 2011



That... I... oooooppphhhh.

Ok, to be fair, close range (CR) battleships (BSs) (sporting webs and target painters) is a very good way to beat ahacs.  And Evoke are very good PvPers.

That said, this battle shouldn't have been that one sided.  the NC ahacs had Evoke out-dps'd and had more logis.  From what I've heard from others, it sounds like the NC FC anchored his fleet 40-50km off of the enemy fleet and started calling primaries.  This is outside of ahac range (about 30-35km for pulse scorches) but almost exactly at CR BS optimals.  It sounds like he didn't know what he was doing.

There are some reports that command assumed that Evoke was bringing long range (LR) BSs, which are really popular in 0.0 warfare nowadays.  And if that was the case, then their tracking would have been horrible at 40km.  But tbh, you should never assume long range when you see a ton of abaddons and tempests on field.

There are also reports that a lot of the NC dudes brought a sniper hac setup instead of an armor hac setup, which would have been disasterous.  I don't know if this is true.  I didn't look at every killmail individually, but the ones that I did see were all armor hac setup.

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